10:45 - 12:05
Main Auditorium
Oral presentations

Virus–host interactions: Insights into the replication
cycle of the large Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus

Elad Milrot, Abraham Minsky

Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

The increasing interest in cytoplasmic factories generated by eukaryotic-infecting viruses stems from the realization that these highly ordered assemblies may contribute fundamental novel insights to the functional significance of order in cellular biology. Here, we report the formation process and structural features of the cytoplasmic factories of the large dsDNA virus Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1(PBCV-1). By combining diverse imaging techniques, including scanning transmission electron microscopy tomography and focused ion beam technologies, we show that the architecture and mode of formation of PBCV-1 factories are significantly different from those generated by their evolutionary relatives Vaccinia and Mimivirus. Specifically, PBCV-1 factories consist of a network of single membrane bilayers acting as capsid templates in the central region, and viral genomes spread throughout the host cytoplasm but excluded from the membrane containing sites. In sharp contrast, factories generated by Mimivirus have viral genomes in their core, with membrane biogenesis region located at their periphery. Yet, all viral factories appear to share structural features that are essential for their function. In addition, our studies indicate that the initial stages of PBCV-1 infection proceed through a bacteriophage-like infection pathway.

Structure Governing Biology-T07-Oft-04
Viral Structure Governing Biology
Elad Milrot
Viral structure governing biology
Presentation type:
Offered talk - 15 min
Main Auditorium
Jose Penades
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
11:30 - 11:45