
  1. On planar caustics,
    Journal of Knot Theory and Ramifications, to appear (with K.Gallagher)

  2. Local invariants of framed fronts in 3-manifolds,
    Arnold Mathematical Journal, vol. 1 (2015), no. 3, 211-232 (with S.Alsaeed)

  3. Local invariants of maps between 3-manifolds,
    Journal of Topology, vol. 6 (2013), no. 3, 757-776

  4. Invariant symmetries of unimodal function singularities,
    Moscow Mathematical Journal, vol. 12 (2012), no. 2, 313-333 (with J.A.Haddley)

  5. Automorphisms of P_8 singularities and the complex crystallographic groups,
    Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, vol. 267 (2009), 91-103 (with D.Kerner)

  6. Simple framed curve singularities,
    in: Geometry and topology of caustics — CAUSTICS '06, 85–100, Banach Center Publ., vol. 82, Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Math., Warsaw, 2008

  7. Symmetric X_9 singularities and complex affine reflection groups,
    Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, vol. 258 (2007), no. 1, 44-52

  8. Lagrangian and Legendrian singularities,
    in: Singularity Theory. Dedicated to Jean-Paul Brasselet on his 60th birthday. Proceedings of the 2005 Marseille Singularity School and Conference (D.Ch\’eniot, N.Dutertre, C.Murolo, A.Pichon and D.Trotman, eds.), 157–186, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2007 (with V.M.Zakalyukin)

  9. Lagrangian and Legendrian varieties and stability of their projections,
    in: Singularities in geometry and topology, 328-353, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2007 (with V.M.Zakalyukin)

  10. Lagrangian and Legendrian singularities,
    in: Real and complex singularities, 169--185, Trends Math., Birkh\"auser, Basel, 2006 (with V.M.Zakalyukin)

  11. The complex crystallographic groups and symmetries of J_10,
    in: Singularity Theory and its Applications, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, vol. 43 (2006), Mathematics Society of Japan, 55-72 (with S.H.Man)

  12. Logarithmic vector fields for the discriminants of composite functions,
    Moscow Mathematical Journal, vol. 6 (2006), no. 1, 107-117

  13. Tjurina and Milnor numbers of matrix singularities,
    Journal of The London Mathematical Society, vol. 72 (2005), 205-224 (with D.Mond)

  14. On stability of projections of Lagrangian varieties,
    Functional Analysis and its Applications, vol. 38 (2004), no.4, 249-255 (with V.M.Zakalyukin)

  15. Simple symmetric matrix singularities and the subgroups of Weyl groups A_mu, D_mu, E_mu,
    Moscow Mathematical Journal, vol. 3 (2003), no.2, 507-530 (with V.M.Zakalyukin)

  16. Sectional singularities and geometry of families of planar quadratic forms,
    in: Trends in singularities, 83-97, Trends Math., Birkh\"auser, Basel, 2002 (with J.W.Bruce and V.M.Zakalyukin)

  17. Plane curves, wavefronts and Legendrian knots,
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London A, vol. 359 (2001), 1497-1510

  18. Unitary reflection groups and automorphisms of simple hypersurface singularities,
    in: New Developments in Singularity Theory (D.Siersma, C.T.C.Wall and V.M.Zakalyukin, eds.), NATO Science Series, Series II, vol. 21 (2001), Kluwer, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 305-328

  19. Cyclically equivariant function singularities and unitary reflection groups G(2m,2,n), G_9, G_31,
    St-Petersburg Mathematical Journal, vol. 11 (2000), no. 5, 761-774 (with C.E.Baines)

  20. Functions on space curves,
    Journal of The London Mathematical Society, vol. 61 (2000), 807-822

  21. Simple functions on space curves,
    Functional Analysis and its Applications, vol. 34 (2000), no. 2, 129–132

  22. Regular Legendrian knots and the HOMFLY polynomial of immersed plane curves,
    Mathematische Annalen, vol. 317 (2000), 389-413 (with S.V.Chmutov and H.Murakami)

  23. Finite-type invariants of Legendrian knots in the 3-space: Maslov index as an order 1 invariant,
    in: Geometry and topology of caustics — CAUSTICS '98 (Warsaw), 107–122, Banach Center Publ., vol. 50, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, 1999 (with J.W.Hill)

  24. On enumeration of meromorphic functions on the line,
    in: The Arnoldfest: Proceedings of a Conference in honour of V. I. Arnold for his Sixtieth Birthday (Toronto 1997) (E.Bierstone, B.Khesin, A.Khovanskii, and J.E.Marsden, eds.), American Mathematical Society, 1999, 209-224 (with S.K.Lando)

  25. A Bennequin number estimate for transverse knots,
    in: Singularity Theory (Liverpool, 1996). Proceedings of the Conference dedicated to C.T.C.Wall's 60th birthday, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series, vol. 263 (1999), 265-280 (with J.W.Hill)

  26. Unitary reflection groups associated with singularities of functions with cyclic symmetry,
    Russian Mathematical Surveys, vol. 54 (1999), no. 5, 873-893

  27. Vassiliev invariants of knots in R^3 and in a solid torus,
    in: Differential and symplectic topology of knots and curves, American Mathematical Society Translations (2), vol. 190 (1999), AMS, Providence, RI, 37-59

  28. M\"obius and odd real trigonometric M-functions,
    in: Singularities (Oberwolfach, 1996). The Brieskorn Anniversary Volume, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 162, Birkh\"auser, 1998, 399-408 (with C.E.Baines)

  29. Vassiliev type invariants in Arnold's (J+)-theory of plane curves without direct self-tangencies,
    Topology, vol. 37 (1998), 603-620

  30. Polynomial invariants of Legendrian links and their fronts,
    in: Proceedings of Knots96 (Shin'ichi Suzuki, ed.), World Scientific, Singapore a.o. (1997), 239-256 (with S.V.Chmutov)

  31. Polynomial invariants of Legendrian links and plane fronts,
    in: Topics in Singularity Theory. V.I.Arnold's 60th Anniversary Collection (A.Khovanskii, A.Varchenko and V.Vassiliev, eds.), American Mathematical Society Translations (2), vol.180 (1997), AMS, Providence, RI, 25-44 (with S.V.Chmutov)

  32. Finite order invariants of framed knots in a solid torus and in Arnold's (J+)-theory of plane curves,
    in: Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol.184 (1997), Geometry and Physics (J.E.Andersen, J.Dupont, H.Pedersen and A.Swann, eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York-Basel-Hong Kong, 549-556

  33. Local invariants of mappings of surfaces into three-space,
    in: Arnold-Gelfand Mathematical Seminars. Geometry and Singularity Theory (V.I. Arnold and I.M.Gelfand, eds.), Birkh\"auser, 1996, 223-255

  34. Local invariants of mappings of oriented surfaces into three-space,
    C.R.Acad.Sci. Paris, vol.323 (1996), S\'erie I, 281-286

  35. Kauffman bracket of plane curves,
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol.182 (1996), 83-103 (with S.V.Chmutov)

  36. Morsifications of rational functions,
    in: Topology of real algebraic varieties and related topics, volume in memory of D.A.Gudkov (V.Kharlamov, A.Korchagin, G.Polotovskii and O.Viro, eds.), American Mathematical Society Translations (2), vol. 173 (1996), AMS, Providence, RI, 85-96

  37. Singularities of projections,
    in: Singularity Theory. ICTP 19 Aug - 6 Sept 1991 (D.T.L\^e, K.Saito, B.Teissier, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore a.o. (1995), 229-247

  38. Vector fields on bifurcation varieties,
    in: Singularity Theory. ICTP 19 Aug - 6 Sept 1991 (D.T.L\^e, K.Saito, B.Teissier, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore a.o. (1995), 221-228

  39. Semi-simplicial resolutions and homology of images and discriminants of mappings,
    Proceedings of The London Mathematical Society (3), vol. 70 (1995), no. 2, 363–385

  40. Subprincipal Springer cones and morsifications of Laurent polynomials and Dµ singularities,
    in: Singularities and Bifurcations (V.I.Arnold, ed.), Advances in Soviet Mathematics, vol. 21 (1994), AMS, Providence, RI, 163-188

  41. Symmetric quartics with many nodes,
    in: Singularities and Bifurcations (V.I.Arnold, ed.), Advances in Soviet Mathematics, vol. 21 (1994), AMS, Providence, RI, 147-161

  42. Vanishing cohomology of singularities of mappings,
    Compositio Mathematica, vol. 89 (1993), no. 1, 45-80 (with D.Mond)

  43. Monodromy of the image of a mapping,
    in: Congr\`es singularit\'es. Lille 1991, Publications IRMA - U.S.T.L., vol. 29 (1992), 1-12.

  44. Monodromy of the image of a mapping C^2 \to C^3,
    Functional Analysis and its Applications, vol. 25 (1991), no. 3, 174-180

  45. The intersection form of a plane isolated line singularity,
    in: Singularity theory and applications, Warwick 1989 (D.Mond and J.Montaldi, eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1462 (1991), Springer Verlag, Berlin a.o., 172-184

  46. Projections of generic surfaces with boundaries,
    in: Theory of singularities and its applications (V.I.Arnold, ed.), Advances in Soviet Mathematics, vol. 1, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1990, 157-200

  47. Bifurcations with symmetries,
    in: Singularity Theory and Some Problems of Functional Analysis (S.G.Gindikin, ed.), American Mathematical Society Translations (2), vol. 153 (1993), AMS, Providence, RI, 93-108

  48. Vector fields and functions on the discriminants of complete intersections and bifurcation diagrams of projections,
    Journal of Soviet Mathematics, vol. 52 (1990), no. 4, 3231-3245

  49. Projections and vector fields tangent to the discriminant of a complete intersection,
    Functional Analysis and its Applications, vol. 22 (1988), no. 2, 104-113

  50. Simple projections,
    Siberian Mathematical Journal, vol. 25 (1984), 50-56

  51. Singularities of projections of complete intersections,
    Journal of Soviet Mathematics, vol. 27 (1984), 2785-2811

  52. Bifurcation diagrams of some simple and quasihomogeneous singularities,
    Functional Analysis and its Applications, vol. 17 (1983), no. 2, 97-108

  53. Projections of 0-dimensional complete intersections onto the line and the k(\pi,1)-conjecture,
    Russian Mathematical Surveys, vol. 37 (1982), no. 3, 206-208

  54. Adjacence of the spectra of certain singularities,
    Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, vol. 36 (1981), no. 4, 22-25

  55. Cohomology of braid groups of series C and D,
    Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, vol. 42 (1981), 233-241

  56. Geometry of the bifurcation diagrams of simple projections onto a line,
    Functional Analysis and its Applications, vol. 15 (1981), no. 2, 77-82

  57. Simple projections of hypersurfaces,
    in: Some problems of mathematics and mechanics (A.N.Kolmogorov, ed.), Moscow State University, 1981, 77-78 (in Russian)

  58. The Poincaré polynomial of the space of residue forms on a quasihomogeneous complete intersection,
    Russian Mathematical Surveys, vol. 35 (1980), no. 2, 241-242

  59. The cohomology of braid groups of series C and D and certain stratifications,
    Functional Analysis and its Applications, vol. 12 (1978), no.2, 139-140