This is a list of publications from our group from 2015 onwards.

For a complete list of publications of the individual group members please visit their personal websites, which are linked in the member section.

Here are links to Dr Frank Jaeckel's publications and citation metrics at, Scopus, and Google Scholar


Size-controlled electron transfer rates determine hydrogen generation efficiency in colloidal Pt-decorated CdS quantum dots
W. Li, F. Jäckel
Nanoscale 10 (2018) 16153-16158.


A Hydrophilic, Hole-Delocalizing Ligand Shell to Promote Charge Transfer from Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dots in Water  
J.R. Lee, W. Li, A.J. Cowan, F. Jäckel
J. Phys. Chem. Part C. 121 (2017) 15160-15168.


Simultaneous optimization of colloidal stability and interfacial charge transfer efficiency in photocatalytic Pt/CdS nanocrystals
W. Li, J. Lee, F. Jäckel
ACS Appl. Mater. & Interf. 8 (2016) 29434-29441.

Controlling Visible Light-Driven Photoconductivity in Self-Assembled Perylene Bisimide Structures
J. Walsh, J. Lee, E. Draper, S. King, F. Jäckel, M. Zwijnenburg, D. Adams, A. Cowan
J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016) 18479-18486

Self-sorted photoconductive xerogels
E.R. Draper, J.R. Lee, M. Wallace, F. Jäckel, A.J. Cowan, D.J. Adams
Chemical Science 7 (2016) 6499-6505.


Colloidal dual-band gap cell for photocatalytic hydrogen generation
W. Li, G. O‘Dowd, T. J. Whittles, D. Hesp, Y. Gründer, V. R. Dhanak, F. Jäckel
Nanoscale 7 (2015) 16606-16610.