Dr. Heike Arnolds leads the Nonlinear Optics Lab at the University of Liverpool. After an MSc on high-temperature superconductors in Oxford and her doctorate on Fourier Transform NMR on surfaces at the Department of Physics, Phillips-Universität Marburg, she started research in ultrafast surface dynamics and sum frequency spectroscopy as a postdoc at the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge. She gained an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship to work on plasmon-enhanced photochemistry before moving to the University of Liverpool as lecturer in the Department of Chemistry.
Research expertise- nonlinear optical spectroscopy
- sum frequency and second harmonic generation
- femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy
- Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
- proteins at interfaces
- electrochemical interfaces
- July2019 - Dynamics at Surfaces, Gordon Research Conference
- January 2018 - RSC Solid Surfaces Group symposium, "Surface Enhanced Raman spectroscopy of molecular electronic junctions"
- February 2018 - International Max-Planck Research School workshop
- H. Arnolds, A. Kakoulli, K. Shah, E.Patterson, "Characterization of metal fatigue by optical second harmonic generation" Applied Physics Letters 111 (2017) 131901
- N. Garcia-Rey, M. Sacchi, S. J. Jenkins, H. Arnolds, "Dipole-Moment Reversal in a Polar Organic Monolayer Probed by Sum and Difference Frequency Spectroscopy" J. Phys. Chem. C 212 (2017) 6692
- T. Omiya, P. Poli, H. Arnolds, R. Raval, M. Persson, Y. Kim, "Desorption of CO from individual ruthenium porphyrin molecules on a copper surface via an inelastic tunnelling process" Chem. Comm. 53 (2017) 6148
- S. Mauri, M. Volk, S. Byard, H. Berchtold, H. Arnolds, "Stabilization of Insulin by Adsorption on a Hydrophobic Silane Self- Assembled Monolayer" Langmuir 31 (2015) 8892
- F. Thibault-Starzyk, E. Seguin, M. Daturi, H.Arnolds, D. A. King, "Real-Time Infrared Detection of Cyanide Flip on Silver-Alumina NOx Removal Catalyst" Science 324 (2009) 1048
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