We will start with an introduction to derived categories and then we
will move on to the recent work of Kuznetsov on Homological Projective
Speakers' meeting: October 2, 3:30pm, room 005.
Schedule: Every other Tuesday, 4-6pm
First talk: October 16, 4pm
Some introductory material on derived categories:
Day | Speaker | Title | References |
October 16 | Ada Boralevi | Triangulated Categories | Huybrechts, Verdier |
October 30 | Giangiacomo Sanna | Introduction to Derived Categories | Huybrechts, Verdier |
November 23 4pm | Alice Rizzardo | Derived Functors and the Derived Category of Coherent sheaves | Huybrechts, Verdier |
November 27 | Fabio Tanturri | Semiorthogonal Decompositions A full exceptional collection on P^n | Huybrechts 8.27-8.29 Caldararu 3.1-3.2 HPD p.161ff. |
December 11 | Mattia Pedrini | Lefschetz Decompositions and statement of Homological Projective Duality | HPD p.174ff. |
January 15 | Giangiacomo Sanna | Homological Projective Duality - What, How and Who |