Discrete Geometry

Travel information

The are two standard ways to travel to Liverpool, via Liverpool John Lennon International Airport or via Manchester International Airport.

From Manchester Airport to Liverpool

Cost: (by public transportation - train or bus): from £4.
One can find a map of Manchester Airport, including the bus and train station here.

By train: There are trains from Manchester Airport train station to Liverpool Lime Street station every half hour. Duration of trip: about 1 hour 20 Min. The prices start at £6.50, when booked in advance (while the normal price is around £14.00). The Liverpool Lime Street station is situated 10 minutes away from the Department of Mathematical Sciences (see on map).

By bus: Direct buses to Liverpool One Bus Station travel roughly every 2 hours. Duration of trip: about 1 hour. The prices start at £4, when booked in advance. The 75 bus travels from Liverpool One Bus station to the University of Liverpool every 5 minutes, the timetable may be found here. A day ticket costs £4.90.

From Liverpool Airport

By bus: Buses travel from Liverpool Airport to the University of Liverpool roughly every 12 minutes. The timetable for the 86A bus is here. A day ticket costs £4.90.

By taxi: Taxis from Liverpool airport to the University of Liverpool cost around £25.

The University of Liverpool, Mathematical Sciences Building, Liverpool L69 7ZL