Section 2: HIV/AIDS |
Quiz |
Work your way through the questions to test your knowledge on HIV/AIDS. To try any of the questions again, first click the reset button. |
General 1. What does HIV stand for? |
2. What does AIDS stand for? |
3. What does ARV stand for? |
4. What does STI stand for? |
Transmission |
5. Which three of these are ways in which HIV/AIDS can be spread. Click the three you think they are and then click submit to find out if you are correct. Unless you get all three right it will tell you you're wrong. Identifying an HIV+ person |
6. Which of these means you can be sure that a person is HIV+? Therapies |
7. Which of these is true about ARVs? |
They prevent HIV infection They reduce the immediate effects of HIV infection
They prevent the onset of AIDS They delay the onset of AIDS
The African Crisis |
8. True or false? Which of these would typically be included in HIV/AIDS prevention programmes in Africa? | ||||||||
Discouraging people from getting married Encouraging people to limit the number of sexual partners within a marriage or encouraging faithfulness in monogomous and polygamous relationships
Encouraging people to have a blood test
Encouraging people to use the contraceptive pill
Encouraging people to abstain from sex
Discouraging people from talking openly about sex Information campaigns targetting adolescents
Information campaigns targetting homosexual men
Discussion of the HIV/AIDS problem by the political leadership
Encouraging people to use condoms
9. True or False? Which of these are reasons why HIV prevalence rates in Africa are generally lower in rural areas than in urban areas? | ||||||||
People in rural areas have better access to health care There are fewer infected people in rural areas
People in rural areas are more likely to have unprotected sex Social norms, such as marriage, are more strictly observed in rural areas than in towns
10. The highest rates of HIV/AIDS prevalence are in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is partly because of the extreme poverty of many African populations. True or false? Why are the poor more likely to be affected by HIV/AIDS than the rich? | ||||||||
The poor live in more unhygenic conditions The poor are less likely to know about the causes of HIV/AIDS
The poor have more sexual partners than the rich The poor have poorer access to ARV therapies
11. True or false? Which of these applies to the impacts of HIV/AIDS in the most severley affected countries of Eastern and Southern Africa? | ||||||||
HIV/AIDS needs to be tackled seperately from other development problems Because HIV/AIDS reduces the number of children in school, it brings financial benefits to government and communities
Because HIV/AIDS increases the need for health care, it brings additional financial burdens for governments and communities
HIV/AIDS mortality reduces African chronic problems of food shortage HIV/AIDS mortality reduces the severe problems of urban unemployment
HIV/AIDS creates food production problems for peasant farmers
The UK 12. True or false? Which of these statements applies to the situation in the UK? |
With the availability of ARVs, HIV/AIDS is no longer a serious problem Greater HIV/AIDS awareness needs to be encouraged
Homosexual transmission is the main source of new HIV cases in the UK
Introvenous drug users generate a large and growing proportion of new HIV cases in the UK International migrants generate a growing proportion of new HIV cases in the UK
Adolescents remain the prime targets of sexual health messages
Well done! If you had any problems with any of the questions, go back to the HIV/AIDS pages and then try again |
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