Blackboard Scripts & Resources

Name Size Description

textfile generate_snapshot_enrolments.txt 1kb This VBS script allows you to take a list of users and a list of courses and generate snapshot enrolment data.

textfile global_guest_access.txt 1kb This collection of SQL queries will let you globally enable guest access to specific parts of a module.

textfile rotate.txt 740b This script rotates the logs on 30th of each month and gives a rough count of Apache hits for that month. Blackboard log rotate tool does not initialise on some machines

textfile integration.txt 5.1kb A script we run each morning to import student systems data into Blackboard. It also includes expected data file format

textfile new_users_courses_login_page_views.sql 4kb A SQL Script which makes use of the system_tracking table to calculate the number of new courses and new users added to Blackboard between 2 given dates. It shows number of active users and active courses for a given day. It also has number of page views, successful and failed login attempts between 2 given dates

textfile users_per_month.sql 1kb A SQL Script which counts unique and non-unique users who have accessed Blackboard per month

textfile users_dept.sql 1kb This SQL Script provides a count of unique staff users, per department, who have accessed Blackboard per month

textfile bb_readonly.xls 28.5kb An Excel workbook outlining the steps needed to create a READONLY user account on the Blackboard Oracle database

textfile updated_export.txt 5kb A collection of 2 sql scripts used to determine which modules have been updated after a specifc date, provided by the user. These scripts are used in conjunction with the tool in /blackboard/apps/content-exchange/bin to provide full archiving of modules

textfile student_grade.txt 2kb A sql script to determine all of a student's assessments and grades for a specific module (even if the student is no longer on the module).

textfile monitoring.txt 10kb A collection of sql scripts which allow full monitoring of all system tables (descriptions contained within).

textfile user_uploads.txt 1kb A sql script to determine all objects which a user has uploaded to Blackboard, which have been placed into the digital drop box (or other methods) across all modules.

textfile tasks_this_week.txt * 1kb A sql script giving the number of tasks finishing within the next 7 days on all courses for a given user (both as staff and student).

textfile announcements_last_week.txt * 1kb A sql script giving the number of announcements for a member of staff or a student in the last week.

textfile no_courses_instructor_on.txt * 1kb A sql script giving the number of courses a member of staff is an instructor on. Instructions are included to amend this query to determine number of courses a student, teaching assistant, course_builder, grader and guest are present on for a given user

textfile staff_tasks.txt * 1kb A sql script giving details of the tasks on all courses a member of staff is an instructor on. Instructions are included to amend this query to determine number of courses a student, teaching assistant, course_builder, grader and guest are present on for a given user

textfile grade_extraction.txt 3kb A sql script allowing for more advanced grade extraction. These scripts allow you to retrieve the grades for a specific assignment including essay questions

textfile course_content_stats.txt 5kb A sql script detailing all courses where various types of content has been added, searching on the content type (ie digital drop box used etc, assignments have been added, building blocks used etc).

textfile all_user_grades.txt 1kb A sql script returning all users, assessment titles and grades for a given course.

textfile preview_course_menu.txt 752b A sql script which turns on guest access across multiple modules for both the "Manage Tools" and Manage Course Menu" areas.

textfile change_users_role.txt 1kb A sql script which allows you to change the role of a user across a range of modules. You can specify a search for one or module role types to be changed to a new role.

textfile re-enable_user.txt 1kb A sql script which re-enables a user in the Blackboard system, allowing that user to be deleted using the Blackboard front end.

textfile re-enable_enrollment.txt 361b A sql script which re-enables course users allowing users to be removed from courses using the Blackboard front end.

weblink Archives of BBADMIN-L@ASU.EDU - A blackboard mailing list. It is essential that you join as many answers can be found here.

textfile change_user_status.txt 1kb A sql script which allows you to change the role of a user across all modules the user in enrolled on.

textfile cms_stats.txt 1kb A set of simple sql scripts specific to the Content Management System which calculate how many users have created portfolios and how many files are contained in the Content System (in both the Users Area and Courses Area).

textfile last_login_for_module.txt 1kb A sql script which when provided with a course_pk1 (obtained for bb_bb60.course_main) will show a list of all users on that course, their role, and the last time they logged into that module, not the Blackboard system (as is detailed in the performace dashboard).

textfile users_and_modules_accessed.txt 1kb A sql script which lists all users in the Blackboard system and each of the modules they have accessed. Due to size of this query it may take a long time to run so bewars of this.

textfile cms_quota_and_filesize.txt 1kb A sql script which lists all users in the Blackboard Content system together with the quota available to them and their current file size taken up. You can use this query to determine which users are reaching their file store quota ni the CMS.

textfile who_added_content.txt 1kb A sql script which when given a specific file which has been added to Blackboard will show you the USER_ID of the person who added that file. Can be easily amended to search for a series of files/types of files.

textfile courses_updated_since_last_login.txt 1kb 3 sql scripts which allow you to see which modules have been updated since a specified user last logged on. Each script searches a different area (activity_accumulator, calendar, course_contents) and can be customised to search for specific items being added to modules since the user last logged on.

textfile remove_homepage_content.txt 1kb The sql scripts allow you to identify what content is present on a user's home page (initial blackboard login page) and will allow you to remove any content from that home page (in a similar way to using the "modify content" button. There is a final script which will list all users who have added a specific item of content to their home page.

textfile remove_padlock_from_gradebook.txt 1kb The sql scripts allow you to identify and remove the padlock symbols which sometimes appear in a module's gradebook, even after what appears to be a successful completion of a test. Removing the padlock will restore the correct score to the gradebook automatically.

© Duncan Brown, Jake Gannon, University of Liverpool
The above files may require modifications when used with other Blackboard systems. The University of Liverpool accepts no responsibilty for any damage which may be caused to Blackboard systems through the use of these scripts.

If you have any scripts etc which may be of use to other Blackboard users and would like to add it to this site please contact us.

For the University of Liverpool Blackboard (VITAL) see:

* signifies script is used in Univeristy of Liverpool Portal system


last update 28-Jun-07