
Contact details
  • Recruitment [Details and pictures...]
    In early 2009 I created a recruitment video aimed at potential Saudi Arabian undergraduates. The video can be viewed here. Current Saudi undergraduates generated the content whilst I directed, edited, filmed and scored the video.


  • Supercomputers [Details and pictures...]
    The Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences has three Beowulf clusters at the time of writing. I was responsible for the specification and purchase of both the most modern machines Doree (Seismology) and Jaws (Physical Oceanography). Our oldest (and largest) machine, NESSC, is now out of maintenance and has lost some nodes due to hardware problems. I have rebuilt part of NESSC by cannibalising memory from dead nodes and installing the newest releases of the RedHat operating system. I used PXE booting and DHCP node addressing to reduce the time required to boot and configure the system. We intend to completely rebuild NESSC when the master node ceases to function.
    I have also purchased and configured other servers and RAID systems for use by various groups in the department. I built a Beowulf cluster from scratch several years ago. The budget was small and we used desktop PCs purchased from a local supplier.

  • Open Day Activities [Details and pictures...]
    I have taken part in various UCAS Open Days and events when schools have been invited into the department. I have developed some web browser based activities in an attempt to put across some ideas in a more simple and fun way. One of these looked at ideas behind convection in natural systems and specifically within Earth's mantle (Spoon-Dial). Another was developed from a mineral physics practical I created for 3rd Year geophysicists (Phase Diagram).
  • Volcano Demonstration [Details and pictures...]
    A while ago my colleagues, Peter Kokelaar and Chris Hunt, decided to try out an experiment that mimicked a volcanic explosion. I tagged along and became involved, trying to record the events. The experiment has matured into a demonstration given as part of Open Days, teachers courses and has even taken us out to local schools. We are continually improving the recording techniques, and hope to exploit HD video so that people can become more involved by measuring velocities and plotting the patterns created by the various debris added to the explosion. Follow the link to see a video of a few events.
  • Teaching [Details and pictures...]
    I have no official teaching duties but I contribute to both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. For several weeks each year I demonstrate the Fortran 95 course given to 2nd Year Geophysicists. This is also useful as it keeps my Fortran skills fresh. Most years I also teach a C++ 'short course' to interested graduate students and staff. I help to supervise some 3rd & 4th projects and also create resources for use in practical sessions, etc.
  • Undergraduate Linux System [Details and pictures...]
    The department has a well resourced undergraduate computer laboratory. Each computer is installed with the University's "Managed Window System" (MWS) - a specialised version of Windows XP Professional. For several years various lecturing staff have expressed interest in having a UNIX system within the department. Over the summer of 2007 I designed and created a RedHat Linux department-based system around a central file server which allowed the students access via their MWS usernames and passwords.
  • Foyer information system [Details and pictures...]
    I designed and coded the website that is used to display departmental information in the Jane Herdman Building foyer. The key requirement for this system was that it should be easy and routine for the Department's administration staff to access and update the display. The networked 46" Samsung LCD contains a small computer that runs the Windows CEoperating system, which in turn runs a version of Internet Explorer. The University's Facilities Management Department have shown interest in the system for use in other departments because no computer is directly attached to the screen - updates to the content are made remotely via the network.

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